Thursday, November 12, 2009

Cookie Sheet Christmas Countdown

{p.s. do you like my new layout? I also have a NEW button, so be sure to grab it!! Thanks!}

I've seen some of these floating around online, so I'd thought I'd give it a try!!

You start with a plain old cookie sheet! You can use either the front or back ( I chose front) - spray paint it!

To cover it, I used fabric- because I liked my fabric choices better than any paper I had. Paper works wonderfully too tho!!

I mod podged it on...

I left a little space at the top to add in some contrasting red fabric!

Then comes the fun part- making the magnets! You can use whatever you'd like- buttons, bottle caps, ornaments, paper, anything. I added the numbers in with a mixture of stickers, ink, and rub-ons.
This is your time to get creative!
I also added in a calendar template- which I made in Word. All you have to do is find the Tables button & make it 5 x 5.

Gorilla glue some ribbons on for decor and hanging, and there you have it! A one of a kind Advent calendar!



  1. WOW! This is super cool! Thanks for the awesome idea!

  2. So cute!... I'll have to remember it when my Christmas countdown breaks down. P.s. I think you need to post the recipe for those chocolate chip cream cheese cupcakes or whatever... I've been craving them!

    XOXO and lots of love,
    Pregnant and craving chocolate

  3. so much fun! here from sits - envious of your creativity!

  4. That is too cute! I've been wanting to make one, and I've been looking at some different ones online, but I really like your version! Hopefully, I can get all my crafty stuff unpacked soon and get a project going! Thanks for the awesome idea! -By way of SITS!!!

  5. What a neat idea! So cute and clever!

    Just stopped by from SITS to say hi; hope you will do the same.

  6. Stopping in from SITS!! I am not a crafty person but I just wanted to let you know that it turned out beautiful! I love it!

  7. That is such a great gift idea. I have two teenage girls to shop for and I bet they would love that for their room.

    Visiting from SITS.

  8. Well there's a clever idea - very nicely done!

  9. Em how do you modge podge? I bought some but feel kinda clueless.

  10. So cute and so clever!!! I love it! Thank you so much for sharing your creativity in the DIY Show Off Holiday Party! (Sorry I'm late!)


