Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How to Add a Blog Signature

I've had quite a few people ask me how to add a signature to their posts, so I decided to let ya know! (When you make one all I ask is to let them know you got the idea here!!)

 Have you heard of scrapblog.com? Well, I LOVE it. And its an easy place to make a signature if you don't have photoshop.

   So, sign up there (its FREE)...

  1. If you want a colored background, then look through the backgrounds until you find one you like- otherwise, don't add a background in. (I didn't add one)

 2. Either look through the 'stickers' for letters, or use the Text (ABC) Box and find a font you like.

3. After you Publish it, go to File --> Export as JPEG --> then download the page you want onto your computer.

4. You'll have to crop the picture to be just around your name and whatever embellishments you used. Save it, and upload it to photobucket.

5. Grab the Direct Link of your picture (from Photobucket) -- and save it in a Word document in case you need it later.

6. Go to Dashboard --> Settings --> Formatting. At the bottom of the page is a Post Template Box. Put this code in it:

           [p][image class="centered"alt="post signature" src="SIGNATURE URL" /][/p] 
   Make sure to replace all of the [ with < and all of the ] with >   Did that make sense?? =) If I added in the < and > for you, it makes it HTML and will not appear properly for you!

7. Replace SIGNATURE URL with the Direct Link you saved!! 

  FYI: The signature will only appear on FUTURE posts, not already published ones. To make sure it worked, write a post. Need a post idea?? Tell your friends about this website!!        


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