Friday, February 12, 2010

Book Wreath

Okay, so there are these book wreaths that they have at Anthropologie that are amazingly wonderful. But they cost like a baztrillionzillion dollars!!! 

SO I went to the DI and Dollar Store ... and made this TWO dollar wreath. Which looks better than the original if I do say so myself!

All you need:
A dollar store wreath, and a DI book for ONE dollar.
Hot glue gun, and dark brown paint! 

I painted the edges of the book dark dark brown- using a cloth to wipe the excess off. 

Then I carefully tore out every single page (after the paint dried), rolled them, and glued them !! Really doesn't get much easier than that...

I found some vintage ribbon, and used it to hang onto the fun vintage key drawer pull I had in my stash. LOVE.

Too bad I can't paint my walls! Darn apartment living...



  1. way cute emily, i love all your new posts! i think the clock is my favorite. and you are right- those pillows before were just NOT cute! but i love the way your new ones came out!
